June 27, 2013

Ode to Adventures in Ice Cream

Day 3: Today our "Adventure in Ice Cream" took us to Harbor's Point Ice Cream, Pavilion Beach, Salah's Scoops, Stage Fort Park, and West End Sweets.

After getting our first "kiddie-sized-cup" of ice cream from Harbor's Point, we headed over to the beach to look for shells, stones, and sea glass. We had fun finding crab husks and clam shells, throwing stones in the water, and chasing pigeons.

Summer of Adventure Book Club Member: Braden Kesterson

Then we went back to the house for lunch and a lesson on poetry. We learned about ode poems and read 3 different poems titled, "Ode to Ice Cream."  Here's our favorite:

“Ode to Ice Cream”
By: Michael Daily

I have a favorite treat
That I love so much to eat.
This treat is so delicious
When I’m done I lick the dishes.
It is a mouthwatering sensation
It should be the official food of our nation.
A reward at the end of the day
My favorite dessert I must say.
It satisfies me to the fullest delight,
It tastes best when eaten at night.
When I look in the freezer and it’s there
I hide it so I don’t have to share.
Cookies and Cream is my favorite flavor
A taste so good that I must savor.
The perfect invention it would seem
Is by far the delectable ice cream.

The kids were ready for round 2, so we stopped at Salah's Scoops for our next "tasting."  I explained that we were trying lots of ice cream today, so please give us the smallest portion, but alas, these "kiddie cones" weren't that small either. But, somehow, we all managed to finish!

I thought that we could use the "stored energy" that we had just inhaled to play at the park. So, we spent time running and climbing off some calories before visiting our final destination. West End Sweets was our last ice cream experience of the week.

The Vote: While we gave points to West End Sweets for their fetching pink-diner decor, we all agreed that Salah's Scoops was our favorite of the 3 ice cream shops. Not only was the ice cream delicious, but the store associate was extra sweet and helpful too. However, we all loved the Orange Leaf  frozen yogurt we tried on Tuesday. 

The Flavors: I tried the Coconut ice cream from Harbor Point, which was very tasty. Mint Chocolate Chip was tasted at all three locations by Braden. Gabriel tried Chocolate, Cookies n' Cream, and Mango slush! Alexandra's favorite was Salah's Scoop's Almond Joy.

Overall, Week 1 went really well. 3 days devoted to ice cream = a child's dream come true! 3 summer days spent at the beach, exercising, reading, playing, and learning with my kids = this mom's dream come true. 

From reading the book, Ice Cream: The Full Scoop, we learned about the origins of ice cream and how it's made now.  We learned how to make our own ice cream, about ode poems, how to stretch all our muscle groups, and most importantly, we played and had fun!
Gabe showing off a crab leg he found.

Looking forward to  Week 2: Patriotic Adventure!!!